Ratoath community out in force for Dementia inclusive event

September is World Alzheimer’s Month, and the local community of Ratoath came out in force to champion dementia inclusivity at an event hosted by The Alzheimer Society of Ireland’s (The ASI) Friends of ASI in association with Ratoath Community Centre and The Venue Theatre.

The event, held at The Venue Theatre on 5th September, brought together Minister for Justice Helen McEntee, Former Justice Minister and ASI ambassador Nora Owen, MEP and former Jockey Nina Carberry, community members and local businesses as they showed their support for a dementia-inclusive Ratoath.

Speaking at the event, MEP for the Midlands Northwest, Nina Carberry said: "I was delighted to attend this evening’s event at The Venue in Ratoath, hosted by The Alzheimer Society of Ireland. Dementia is a disease that affects over 500,000 families nationwide; to launch an initiative that makes Ratoath a more dementia friendly town is something I will support and get fully behind locally, and in my role as MEP for the Midlands Northwest.”

ASI Ambassador Nora Owen said it was "wonderful to see all the services available to assist both people with dementia and their carers” and "it is important that more communities follow Ratoath’s example.”

CEO of Ratoath Community Centre and The Venue Theatre, Laura Murphy said: "Tonight has taken many months of planning within our community and in partnership with The Alzheimer Society of Ireland. I am so proud of our team and our community in Ratoath, as we commence our journey to build a dementia-inclusive Ratoath. To all who have signed up to be part of making life easier for those living with dementia, thank you. It would be remiss of me to not thank the wonderful Ratoath College teachers, and students who will play a significant part in this initiative; these teens make our future look very bright.”

Ms Murphy praised Marie Carroll, who cares for her husband Pat, for sharing her story at the event: "To the very brave Marie Carroll who spoke so lovingly about her husband and family, it is local Ratoath people like Marie – who are brave enough to share their story – that help remove the fear and stigma that can come when a loved one is diagnosed.”

Following the Dementia-Inclusive Community event, The ASI – with significant input from the local Friends of ASI – will develop an action plan as Ratoath works towards dementia-inclusivity. "Now the real work begins!” said Ms. Murphy.

Speaking ahead of the event Head of Operations and Community Engagement at The ASI, Siobhan O’Connor, said: "The Alzheimer Society of Ireland provides much-needed services for people living with dementia and their families in Co. Meath; our dedication to supporting those affected by dementia remains as we bring our Friends of ASI initiative to Ratoath.”

Friends of ASI is a dementia-inclusive programme. It includes training, awareness, education, and services and aims to encourage people, businesses and services to create a more nurturing and accepting environment for people living with dementia and their families in their community. People living with dementia are among the most marginalised in our society and can often face social exclusion and stigma.

This initiative is working alongside the HSE’s Dementia: Understand Together campaign. Dementia: Understand Together, a national partnership between The ASI, HSE, Age Friendly Ireland, Age & Opportunity, Dementia Services Information and Development Centre and Healthy Ireland, encourages community members and people living with dementia to make their communities more dementia-inclusive.

For more information and to support a dementia inclusive community, email friendsofasi@alzheimer.ie

Nora Owen, is also supporting Memory Walk which takes place in 40 locations nationwide on September 22nd, including walks in Blackwater Park, Navan, and Riverwalk to Oldbridge House in Co. Louth. To support the Memory Walk and help create more dementia-inclusive communities, visit memorywalk.ie.