Cllr Aisling Dempsey with her parents, Bernadette and Noel, after being elected to the Trim electoral area in the 2024 Local Elections.

Meath West: Fianna Fail hopes rest with Dempsey as parties go on election alert


Battle lines are being drawn as political parties prepare for the general election, with candidates already selected by Fianna Fáil, Sinn Fein, Aontu and the Social Democrats.

Trim's Cllr Aisling Dempsey will contest the general election for Fianna Fáil in Meath West.

The daughter of former minister, Noel Dempsey, accepted the Meath West Fianna Fail organisation's nomination at Thursday's selection convention in the Old Darnley Hotel, Athboy. Cllr Dempsey was nominated by Meath West without a vote after Senator Shane Cassells indicated that he would not be running in the next election.

The Navan-based senator served as Fianna Fáil’s last Dáil deputy in the Meath West constituency, sitting from 2016 to 2020. Councillor Dempsey said that if elected her focus would be on housing, childcare and tackling the impacts of inflation.

"I believe that community groups are critical in delivering the services people need in these areas. They are working continuously to improve our communities and need to be supported more by Government.

"It’s sensible that in next month’s budget, we are putting large amounts of our surplus in rainy day funds for the future. However, in Meath West, there are ample issues that require funding now. Together, we can achieve great things and make a lasting impact.” Senator Cassells said that Cllr Dempsey "is now the standard bearer for us all as our candidate here in Meath West. "Our candidate will become a TD when this election is held because she is markedly going to shake up the field and bring a dynamism and vigour to the contest that will draw support from all strands of life."

Meanwhile, Cllr Ronan Moore has been selected as the Social Democrats candidate in Meath West.

Following a selection convention in the Castle Arch Hotel in Trim on Saturday, Cllr Moore, who is a post-primary teacher in Navan, said: “I am proud to contest the general election in this constituency and am really looking forward to the challenge.

“I have met so many people in recent years who want change. But many of them feel they have little choice other than the same old parties of the past. In this next election, I want to offer people an alternative so they can hope and vote for better.

“Having spent the last seven years on the board of Trim Family Resource Centre, I am deeply committed to addressing issues of social exclusion and poverty while fostering an understanding of community development.

“Despite the great work carried out by the network of family resource centres, they continue to be starved of sufficient funding by the Government.”

Social Democrats leader Holly Cairns said: “Ronan has an excellent track record as a councillor and I was delighted to see him retain his seat in June’s local elections. Having visited Ronan in Trim earlier this year, I am very aware of all the hard work he puts in as a committed public representative and community activist.

Aontu's Peadar Toibin will be running again in Meath West Photo by Gerry Shanahan

“I know that Ronan would make an exceptional TD for this constituency and be an important new voice in national politics for the people of Meath West.”

Earlier this year, Sinn Féin TD Johnny Guirke was selected as the candidate to stand in the Meath West constituency for the General Election, while Meath West TD and Aontú Party leader and founder, Peadar Tóibín has been nominated to contest the election in Meath West on behalf of his party.

The Green Party has not held a selection convention yet, but Dr Seamus McMenamin, a previous general election candidate who also contested the recent local elections is hoping to contest the election.

Independent councillor, Noel French, a former Fine Gael general election candidate has not yet decided if he will run in the general election this time as an independent.

"I haven't decided yet, but it is unlikely," he said.

The Labour Party in Meath West are meeting on Thursday but indications are they are unlikely to put forward a candidate.