Cllr Nick Killian at the junction in Ratoath village.

‘Make this crossroads safe or you will have blood on your hands’...Mother's plea after daughter was struck by car

A CONCERNED mother whose daughter was injured when struck by a car in Ratoath is appealing for safety measures at the junction where it happened

Michelle Peate's daughter, Caitlin was injured when she was hit by a car at the Supervalu junction in Ratoath Village on 2nd of September just after 6pm.

“Fix and make safe this cross roads for other children, young adults and the elderly in our village or else you will have blood on your hands and you will carry a guilt for the rest of your life,” was her message to the council and the government.”

Michelle says Caitlin was thrown into the air and landed on her head in the accident.

“She had concussion and lost hair and skin, which will take a long time to recover if it ever grows back.

“At the scene, two units of the fire brigade attended, they helped tirelessly to settle her, to help her focus on her breathing to immobilise her neck and her spine and to secure her right leg, which they felt at the time was dislocated. They also suspected she had spinal and neck injuries.

“She was taken to an adult hospital which is scary as a 17 year old and underwent multiple Xrays, CT scans and investigations.

“Thankfully, she managed to escape with no broken bones but has significant concussion and bruising throughout her whole body which will take a number of weeks to heal.

“Had it have been more severe, my heart would never mend itself and how would her younger sister and her aunt and uncles cope?”

Michelle points out that this particular junction has been a dangerous one for many years.

“Since moving to Ratoath over 24 years ago, I have always taken my time at this crossroads but not everyone does.

“As a mom I am now faced with a significant dilemma, do I sit back and do nothing or do I raise this with the powers that be to address the fact that some-day someone will die at this crossroads.” She has pleaded with councillors, TDs and the government to ensure the junction is made safe.

“Safety measures on that junction would just be a drop in the ocean of that €14billion from Apple.”

“I am a mammy on a mission who will not be silenced and I will not carry guilt in my heart nor blood on my hands for doing nothing.”

Cllr Nick Killian said he has lobbied for 25 years to have this junction revised and redesigned as it is not fit for purpose.

“It is extremely dangerous for pedestrians trying to cross from one side of the road to the other. There are no crossing points whatsoever. “Can you imagine what this junction is like for elderly or disabled residents or parents with buggies.

“Caitlin, thank goodness, survived. I am pleading for funding to be found from wherever to put in place the Part 8 plan to have this dangerous junction revised this year,” he said.

Meath Co Council has been approached for comment.