Evan Ferguson didn't find the net for Brighton last night but he is at least on the way back.

Ferguson's start for the Seagulls a big step on a long, lonely journey

Break from game and pressure of expectation may have done the young Bettystown man some good

It can be a long, lonely road back to fitness for a footballer who has picked up a protracted injury as Evan Ferguson no doubt knows now - but it has its benefits too.

The young Bettystown man made his first start since March for Brighton & Hove Albion last night in the Carabao Cup tie against Wolves.

Fabian Hurzeler's Brighton side defeated Matt Doherty's Wolves 3-2.

It has proved to be a lengthy spell away from a starting place on the team for the Meath man. A lengthy spell when, like most players who are forced away from the action, he must have felt left out of things; on the margins.

Yet the long enforced sabbatical may have done Ferguson the power of good too.

He is a young player that much is expected from after a sensational start to his career with the south-coast club.

Since scoring his first Premier League goal against Arsenal on New Year's Day, 2023, Ferguson has gone on to demonstrate how he is one of the finest young strikers in the game across the Irish Sea.

He went on to net a bagful of goals for the Seagulls - and that brought with it massive media attention - and pressure. The pressure born out of expectation.

Opposition defences also put in place measures to stop the young Meathman. He became a marked man; the object of some crunching tackles. He also looked for a time last season simply exhausted.

Having stepped away from the super-hyped Premier League for a time because of the ankle injury, and got a chance to rest and put things into perspective, Ferguson may find his mojo once more.

He did get a few minutes in recent games for the Republic of Ireland and looked bright and eager. He also made an appearance for his club against Ipswich Town in a league game as a sub recently but didn't start until last night.

Ferguson played for an hour against Wolves. He didn't score but the most important thing is that he is back out on the pitch getting some game time in his legs.

That was recognised by Hurzeler who said: "He needs to train 100% and use sessions to improve and get as fit as possible. Then I'm sure he'll help us."

No doubt he will.