Road safety concerns at Dangan NS.

More traffic calming measures planned at Dangan NS

Further traffic calming works are to be carried out at Dangan National School with two new ramps and a raised pedestrian crossing to be provided to slow down traffic.

Details of the scheme were given to local councillors at the Trim Municipal District Council meeting last week when councillors were told that existing measures had resulted in a reduction of 20kmh in the speed of traffic passing the school and it is hoped to further improve on this with the new measures.

Parents have been highlighting serious concerns about road safety outside the school which is located on the busy Trim to Summerhill Road for many years. While the school used to have a school warden, the position was not filled following the retirement of the warden in October of last year, prompting an angry backlash from parents who felt it was a vital service. Earlier this year, parents ramped up their campaign for improved safety following a series of near misses.

At the September meeting of Trim MD, Senior Executive Engineer David O'Reilly outlined that the existing traffic calming measures had resulted in a reduction in the average speed of traffic from 65kmh to 46kmh and they were looking to further improve on this with the new measures.

He said the new ramps would have the combined effect of reducing speed and would also address some of the noise issues around people “ramping up” their speed when they go over the ramp.

“We have seen an improvement in safety and this will further reinforce the works that have been done to date,” he added.

Cllr Joe Fox welcomed the scheme and said as it is a main regional road, there are problems with both the speed and volume of traffic. He said that as people cross the first ramp they tend to “put the boot down” and the additional ramps would have a major effect and that the additional safety measures would have a “very positive effect” on the school.

Cllr Dave Boyne welcomed the works at Dangan NS and queried how the school came to be chosen. He was told there were ongoing issues at the school over the years that had been raised through the road safety officer and Cllr Boyne asked that Boardsmill NS, Ballivor Village and Ardenew Cross be considered next for ramps.

Cllr Padraig Coffey also raised safety concerns about Baconstown NS which is located on the R159 Trim to Enfield Road and said something needed to be urgently done there. “There is an after school across the road from the school and there are no safety measures except for a rew rumbles strips.” He said there is no pedestrian lights and the school has to stagger the hometimes so that all the children aren't leaving at once. Cllr Aisling Dempsey agreed that the speed was “atrocious” there.

Mr O'Reilly advised councillors that if there were any area they were concerned with to raise them with Road Safety Officer Audrey Norris.