16-09-24, Junction at Kingscourt Road and Blackcastle at Navan Blackcastle-Kingscourt Road Junction Photo: David Mullen/www.cyberimages.net

Safety scheme plans for busy Proudstown Road junction

A major new safety scheme on the Proudstown Road at the junction of Beaufort Place, Blackcastle and the Circle K garage was unveiled to councillors at last week's meeting of Navan Municipal Council.

The proposals include two additional controlled pedestrian crossings, one just off the junction at the entrance to Blackcastle and St Oliver's Church and one on the main road north of Circle K close to the bus stop.

There will be an uncontrolled pedestrian crossing at the entrance to Beaufort Place and the entrance to Aisling Place.

The existing pedestrian crossing on the main road will remain.

The works will include traffic calming measures, improved path surfaces with dropped kerbs, improved lighting and resurfacing.

Councillors were told that it was hoped the work could go to tender at the end of this month, it would take eight to 12 weeks and could be completed by the end of the year.

Improved management of Circle K traffic will include the raising and narrowing of the entrance and exit from the forecourt, and Circle K will be carrying out to their own improvement to traffic management within the forecourt.

Councillors were told current problems at the junction included a lack of pedestrian crossings, difficulty accessing and exiting the Circle K filling station, lack of appropriate paths on desire lines for pedestrians, speeding, narrow paths, drainage issues, public lighting levels and an excessive crossing width at entrance Beaufort Place.

Cllr Yemi Adenuga said she was delighed with the scheme. “I regularly have the people of Beaufort Place onto me warning that the area is an accident waiting to happen.”

Cllr Eddie Fennessy said there have been problems at that junction for as long as he can remember.

“Its proximity to a service station, built up residential areas, a church, school and shopping complex make it very difficult for the council to introduce measures that make access safe and easy.

“What's proposed is not perfect, however it allows for better control of movement and makes the junction safer for pedestrians and motorists alike.

“This project is a good example of making good use of available funding to benefit the community as a whole.”

Cllr Alan Lawes said that the footpath at the pedestrian at the entrance to Beaufort Place is very narrow. “Kids coming out of Beaufort congregate there. It is very narrow. There is a green area behind the wall, could it be opened to give more room,” he asked.

He was told that Beaufort Place hadn't been taken in charge by the council yet, but when it is, that could be looked at.