Conservation work at Ardmulchan graveyard due to begin this month

Conservation works are due to begin later this month at Ardmulchan graveyard, according to Meath Co Council.

Following an allocation of €100,000 for the graveyard from the Community Monument Fund, Cllr Francis Deane asked if a contractor had been appointed and what was the proposed date of completion.

At a meeting of Navan Municipal Council last week, Cllr Deane was told Meath Co Council had appointed a Conservation Team consisting of a conservation engineer, project archaeologist and bat ecologist who had undertaken necessary surveys to inform the detailed design of proposed conservation works.

Tender documentation has been prepared and is currently at tender stage to appoint a conservation contractor and works are due to start on site by mid-September.

Meanwhile, Cllr Emer Tóibín had asked the council to outline what obligations, if any, it has to Old Athlumney Cemetery, Navan in terms of maintenance, heritage preservation and safety standards for visitors, considering the cemetery is vested in its care.

She was told that while Athlumney Old Burial Ground is vested in the charge of Meath County Council under the Irish Church Act 1869, the Council has no direct involvement in the general maintenance or burials that may take place. There is a local voluntary committee involved in the upkeep of the burial ground and the the Council provides funding under the Burial Grounds Grant Scheme, Members Discretionary Fund, and Community Grants.