Sinn Féin Ard Fheis passes motions on Navan Rail and North South Interconnector

The Sinn Féin Ard Fheis, which was held in Athlone this weekend passed a motion to deliver the Navan Rail project, "uninterrupted, from design to construction" in the "quickest possible time frame possible."

A further motion was passed to deliver the North South Interconnector, a new 400 kV overhead line connecting the electricity grids of Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. When built, the project will start at a substation in Turleenan, Co Tyrone. It will then run into Co Armagh and then into counties Monaghan, Cavan and Meath.

Speaking afterwards, Meath TDs Darren O'Rourke and Johnny Guirke said the motions marked the firm commitment of their party to see the Navan Rail project delivered in the quickest possible time frame and to abandon Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael's plan to deliver the North South Interconnector overground.

Deputy Guirke said;

"Sinn Féin's commitment to deliver the Navan Rail project is absolutely clear. We have stated it repeatedly, including in our General Election manifestos and Alternative Budgets. We know Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and the Greens say they support the project but when it comes to funding it to completion, they refuse to do it. The funding to build the Navan Rail project is not included in the National Development Plan pre-2030. That will mean delays are guaranteed, and we all know that when there's delay there's a significant risk to the project overall. The Sinn Féin position is to deliver the project uninterrupted. That position is now copper-fastened. I very much welcome that. This project will be transformational for Co. Meath."

Deputy O'Rourke said;

"I welcome the passing of both motions. The motion on the North South Interconnector condemned the failure by Eirgrid and successive governments to ensure that a full socio-technical assessment of the North South Interconnector was conducted. This failure was highlighted in the most recent review of the project conducted by Italian consultants. It's a finding that, tellingly, has been totally ignored by this government. The motion further called for such an assessment to be urgently undertaken and reiterated Sinn Féin's commitment to deliver the North South Interconnector underground. A full socio-technical assessment of the project, to include overground versus underground versus alternative delivery methods, is an essential. I welcome the fact that the Sinn Féin Ard Fheis has endorsed this position."