The late Teresa Ennis with former principal of Rathbeggan NS, Kieron Rushe when Teresa retired as school warden.

School warden needed back at Rathbeggan NS ‘urgently’

The lack of a school warden for Rathbeggan National School was described as “disgraceful” by local councillors as they called on Meath County council to fill the position as a matter of urgency.

Staff and parents at Rathbeggan National School outside Dunshaughlin are extremely worried for the safety of children, as the school no longer has a traffic warden.

There has been no school warden at the school in almost two years, despite its location on a busy road, used by a large volume of drivers avoiding the toll at Pace and parents have stepped in to act as wardens.

Cllr Gillian Toole has been raising the issue at Ratoath Municipal Council meetings since the schools lost its warden

At the October meeting, Cllr Fionnan Blake said he fully supported Cllr Toole on the school warden problem at Rathbeggan NS.

“The local history surrounding the school warden position in this school means that this school should never be without a warden,” he said.

“In 1972, nine-year-old Paul Ennis died tragically crossing the road from his home going to Rathbeggan school.

“In 1973, Meath County Council approached his mother, Teresa, and offered her the job as traffic warden. Teresa did this job, in rain hail and snow for almost 35 years. She protected the children crossing one of the busiest roads in the country. She campaigned for different traffic calming measures, ramps, coloured kerbs and road markings. She did all this in loving memory of her son, Paul.”

Teresa died in 2017 and Cllr Blake quoted the principal at the time, Kieron Rushe who said: “You have to think of the bravery of Mrs Ennis as she took her life and the lives of the children in her hands. She was the first person we saw every single morning, with her friendly wave.”

“It’s a disgrace Rathbeggan have been left without a school warden for so long, of all schools to be without a warden.

“It’s not fair on the parents of the children to have to stand in and do the job to keep everyone safe. I call on Meath County Council to fill this position as a matter of urgency,” he said.

Cllr Toole said it didn't matter what ramps or raised crossings are put in, it is not the same as having the warden there.

“No matter what traffic calming measures are in place, young children don't have the sense, they need adult intervention.”

“There is a stop and drop at the front of the school but it cannot accommodate everyone, so some parents park across the road at the County Club, The road is extremely busy, with people travelling to the city to work and avoiding the tolls. Drivers are coming out of Dunshaughlin after going through a number of sets of lights and have just gathered up speed when they come to the school.

“There are more new houses in Dunshaughin and more traffic on the road. Drivers get distracted. Do we need to wait for something to happen? Hitting a child at 50kmh would kill them.”