Urgent road safety measures needed at Beamore Road 'accident black spot'

Laytown/Bettystown Fianna Fáil Councillor, Stephen McKee, is calling on Meath Co Council to carry out urgent road safety measures at an “accident black spot.”

McKee, who is requesting the works at Mounthanover Junction on the Beamore Road stated:

“I have been raising road safety issues at Mounthanover Junction over a period of time now and the accidents at this black spot continue. At our most recent Council meeting, I asked the Council if it intended carrying out road safety measures at the junction.

“On foot of my representations, I am pleased that the Council has committed to putting in additional ‘stop’ signage further back from the junction and to repaint road markings and ‘stop’ lining. This should improve road safety there.”

McKee says he has been told that Meath Co Council has applied for funding under the Safety Improvement Works Scheme and that Mounthanover Junction will be considered once funding is made available by the Department of Transport.

“Something urgently needs to be done as there are simply too many accidents happening at the junction,” said McKee.

“At a minimum, additional road signage is needed and I think closing the link road at the top is worth looking at again to see if it would make a difference,” he added.

“We need to ensure that any measures taken are not counter-productive and that they achieve both road safety and ensure continued ease of access,” concluded McKee.