The ring was found on the floor of the Penneys store in Navan on 7th November

Appeal to find owner of diamond engagement ring

A diamond engagement ring found in the Penneys Store in Navan Town Centre six weeks ago has still not been claimed and staff are desperately trying to find the owner before Christmas.

Agnes Molloy who works in Penneys in Navan has the ring in safe keeping and contacted the Meath Chronicle in the hope of reuniting the ring with its owner before Christmas.

She told how they put an appeal on the 'Thankzhun Navan' Penneys page which has 30,000 followers after finding the ring and also on the Navan Community Facebook page but so far have had no luck in finding the owner.

Agnes explained that the engagement ring was found on the floor of the store on 7th November but says it could have been caught up in clothes and it's possible it was there a day or two before that.

"It was found on the shop floor. It must have slipped off one of the customer's hands. We keep anything that is found and if it is not claimed we give it to charity but we really want to make every attempt to find the owner.

"It is a white gold solitaire ring engraved with initials and the date of their engagement."

A jeweller has looked at the ring and confirmed that is a genuine diamond and described it as a "9 carat white gold shoulder set solitaire cluster ring".

Agnes feels it was most likely somebody local living near the shopping centre in Navan that lost it and is asking people to share the appeal in the hope of reuniting the ring with its owner.

The ring is engraved with initials and a date which only the genuine owner will know. If you think the ring may be yours, call in to the Penneys Store in Navan and ask for Agnes.