Members of the Trim Kenpo Karate Academy at Trim. Photo: David Mullen/

40th anniversary of Trim Karate Club

In February 1983 Gerry Shanahan took over Navan Kenpo Karate Club, under the supervision of Ambrose Maloney who was the then President of IKKA in Ireland, with himself as the club instructor, being the highest rank, at that time.

The Navan club had grown significantly. People were travelling to the club from outside the town, mostly from Trim. So, on Thursday 8th March 1984 Trim Kenpo Karate Club was formed.

Over 80 people turned up on the first night which, over time, resulted in 40 regular members.

The first club was established in the Diocesan Hall, Trim by instructor Gerry Shanahan. Since then the Academy has had a few homes and instructors. It is now located in Mill Street, Trim and has a large and growing membership young and old.

The Academy is run by 4th Degree Black belts Gerry Shanahan and his wife, Helene Meade with the assistance of Black Belts Nathan Quinn, Tiernan Hilley, Andy Whelan, Diarmuid Gallagher and Steven Parsons.

Sadly the academy lost one of their experienced instructors and good friend, Dave Hilley who passed away in 2022.

Shanahan and his wife, Helene Meade, currently hold the rank of 4th Degree Black Belt in the European Kenpo Karate Association. They are studying for 5th Degree, which will take a number of years.

Kenpo Karate is a modern day self defense system that was introduced and developed by Ed Parker in America in the late 1950’s.

The first club to open outside America was in Dublin in the early 60s, before clubs opened in Navan and Trim.

It quickly spread from there with clubs and Academies throughout the world. Trim Kenpo Karate Academy is affiliated to the European Kenpo Karate Association.

Kenpo Karate has been in Trim for 40 great years and is one of the oldest clubs in the country

The Academy is currently open on Tuesday and Thursday evenings 6pm to 9pm and Saturday mornings from 11am to 1pm.

All ages from six years upwards are catered for. Families are especially welcome. For further information phone 086 3586141/086 8336362 or check out the Academy page on Facebook Trim-Kenpo-Karate-Academy.