Plan to create recreational park at Lough Bracken

Plans to create a recreational park at Lough Bracken, Drumconrath, to include a playground, picnic area, angling stands and walking tracks are being progressed by Meath County Council.

The plans are currently on public display which will see facilities upgraded at the lake located 2km south west of Drumconrath village.

Meath County Council is proposing to improve the function of Lough Bracken as a public amenity and to provide recreational space for new amenity features, whilst also serving to improve, maintain and protect water quality conditions of the lake itself.

The plans include angling stands to improve the usability and sustainability of Lough bracken for anglers. Walking tracks form part of the proposal and have been designed based on the multifaceted use of the lake which allow for the management of recreational users, anglers, families and people of all abilities. Some forestry trees will be removed in some areas to facilitate woodland boardwalks and trails.

Bird hides are proposed along the lake’s western shore approximately 300m from the car park. Fencing will be erected along the lakes southern and eastern shoreline.

Picnic and amenity areas are planned adjacent to the existing car park. The area of unused amenity grassland is proposed as a picnic area with a toilet and changing room facility. It includes a universal access compost toilet. A series of interlinking picnic areas are to be created within the amenity area beside the car park.

The current amenity grassland will also provide space for a universal access children’s playground with nature‐based play structures including slides, swings and a climbable castle structure.

The existing car park is approximately 0.1 hectares of tarmac with kerbing surrounding the edges. It is proposed that a picnic/resting furniture is installed adjacent to the car park along with a secure bicycle‐ parking rack. New signage will also be erected.

It is intended that non‐native commercial conifers around the car park and around the lake’s eastern shoreline will cleared to provide opportunities for ecological enhancement, particularly tree planting. Improvements will also be carried out to the existing site access and junction between the LT34042 access lane and local road L34040 (Nobber Road).

The plans have been welcomed by local councillor Michael Gallagher who said it is "going to be a great asset to the most picturesque part of north Meath".

Plans are on public display until 14th February at Meath County Council's planning offices at Buvinda House, Dublin Road, Navan; at the Kells Municipal District Office, Headfort Place, Kells and at Athboy Library. They can also be viewed online at, under Part 8 Reference: PT8/MH187.

Submissions can be made up to 28th February.