Regeneration plan...Duleek village.

Regeneration plan aimed at realising Duleek’s potential

A HERITAGE-LED Regeneration Plan has the potential to completely transform Duleek, a recent Laytown/Bettystown Municipal District meeting was told.

The plan in conjunction with The Heritage Council and Sheridan Woods Architects and Urban Planners aims to “set out the actions that will help Duleek achieve its potential for residents, communities, businesses and visitors though heritage-led regeneration initiatives.”

The draft plan update report said that the vision for Duleek is to “fulfil its future potential as a sustainable and vibrant place to live, work and recreate celebrating its past, built and natural heritage and cultural identity for the benefit of all.”

Five main themes were outlined for the plan including celebrating the heritage, defining the historic town centre, sustainable use of built heritage, community spaces for all and governance.

Independent Cllr Geraldine Keogan welcomed the plan that has undergone an extensive public consultation process but questioned if the issue of derelict buildings in the village would be addressed.

“There is so much potential there to get something for the community whether it is a business hub or something to utilise those derelict buildings,” said Keogan.

Traffic management and road safety in Duleek is one major issue that needs to be addressed along side the works according to Fianna Fail Cllr Stephen Mckee who said:

“If you look at all of the roads into Duleek cars are coming far too quickly into the village and that is having an impact on heritage core area. What I'd be looking for in the plan is how traffic and its impact on the village will be addressed in terms of traffic calming on all of those approach roads into Duleek because that has a significant impact on the deterioration of the local environment.

“I have looked at the plan in detail and making it more pedestrian friendly in the village and improving the streetscape of the main street which are excellent ideas. In the long term, a bypass is needed in Duleek.

“We have some really important and valuable heritage sites in the village that overtime have essentially been neglected and we have good green spaces there that are not utilised. I'm delighted that there are plans in place to bring them into use.

“The key things is that we would have funding guaranteed and set time lines.” In response Meath County Council said that the public realm element of the project which specifically includes active travel and prioritising pedestrian areas will be slowing down traffic by default and that should significant improvement on traffic safety and reducing traffic speeds through the town.

Sinn Fein Cllr Maria White said: “Duleek has massive potential with historic buildings and all of the heritage. I think the themes are really well thought out.”

The meeting was told that the implementation of the project was funding dependent and a “Town's Team” was going to be established to drive the initiative forward.

A Town Team is a group of local residents, business people, community representatives and other stakeholders who come together to make their area a better place to live, work, visit and invest.