Running to Standstill... 'On the election trail, all everybody on the Boyne road spoke about was traffic'

The small bridge on the Boyne Road on the outskirts of Navan is a location with an ‘accident waiting to happen’, according to Cllr Padraig Fitzsimons, who has called for traffic calming measures in the area.

He said that cars approach the bridge at speed, not realising they are coming to the bridge.

"During the election, everybody on the Boyne road spoke about the speed of traffic and the danger. It is a residential road in the town, but is treated like a country road.

"The cars leaving Navan are starting to build up speed as they approach the bridge," he said.

"There is no warning, just some plastic bollards with reflective lights. Rumble strips or other measures are needed to slow down traffic."

Cllr Fitzsimons said that there was also a dangerous situation at the car park opposite the cemetery.

"Anyone exiting the car park on the Navan side, has no visibility. They need to put the car out onto the road, before they see anything at all. There is a real need for safety measures there," he said.

Cllr Fitzsimons raised the issue at last week's meeting of Navan Municipal Council, calling on Meath County Council "to investigate traffic calming measures on the Boyne Road, Navan, with particular reference to the narrow bridge and St Mary’s Cemetery."

He was told that traffic surveys can be undertaken on the Boyne Road at the proposed locations and following these surveys, a decision can be made regards any traffic calming measures required.

Also at Navan Municipal Council, Cllr Eddie Fennessy called on the council "to assess footpaths at Aisling Place and Blackcastle Shopping Centre area for inclusion in the footpath repair programme and for drainage works to alleviate existing flood problems.”

He was told Blackcastle Shopping Centre and surrounding area, including certain footpaths, are under a lease agreement with Meath County Council and the Blackcastle Management Company. The conditions on the lease need to be reviewed to ascertain who is responsible for maintenance works and then a plan made going forward.

Cllr Fennessy also called the Council to include Woodview on the Estates Road Repair Programme 2025.

He was told the estate would be assessed and prioritised, if works are required, on a list of works with other estates in the Navan MD, which the Roads Work Programme Team will put out to contract later in the year.