Neurodivergent children and adults accommodated at the Navan St Patrick's Day Parade
A special effort is being made again this year to accommodate neurodivergent children and adults at the Navan St Patrick's Day Parade.
Neurodiversity Navan and the Navan Shamrock Festival have come together for the second year to provide a Relaxed Parade Space and free children’s entertainment, during this year's festival activities.
Located at Canon Row, the Relaxed Parade Space will offer neurodivergent people and their families a safe space away from crowded streets to view and enjoy the parade in a more relaxed environment.
"Families with neurodivergent children and adults very often have to stay at home on St Patrick's Day, because there is so much loud noises and unexpected activities taking place, from crowds filling the streets, to road closures, to the loud noises from parade floats," explains Eva Burke of Neurodiversity Navan.
"Parades historically have not been accommodating for neurodivergent people, which is so tough on these individuals, but also on their families who also miss out."
Eva explains that one of the main objectives of Neurodiversity Navan is to improve the daily lives of neurodivergent people and their families by breaking down the barriers that many people face; including working with event organisers across the community to ensure that Navan becomes a town that is inclusive and welcoming to everyone.
"Last year's Relaxed Parade Space was a success, and many lessons were learned. We are keen to improve each year, this year we are focusing on ensuring community awareness of the quiet street and so getting the message out well in advance is an important priority for us.
“Additionally, we wanted to ensure that neurodivergent families had the opportunity to enjoy the some of the activities taking place on the day in a more relaxed and suitable setting, so we are delighted to have secured a dedicated sensory hour of free children's entertainment with a magic show, face painting and balloon modelling. The Navan Shamrock Festival committee have been wonderful and very supportive of our ambitions to make this an inclusive event for all families. There is so much good will and community spirit in our town," she says.
The relaxed parade space will be in Canon Row, away from the other crowded streets, so it can be viewed in a relaxed environment. "We will again ask the floats to keep noise to the minimum as they pass through Canon Row, and we will be providing a visual guide to families in advance of the parade so that they can plan and prepare. We have a YouTube Channel and a video of the street will be put up before the parade so people can see ahead what it will be like."
Canon Row will be a pre-registered reserved space and families who wish to avail of the Relaxed Parade Space from 2pm and the Free Children’s Entertainment at St Mary’s
Community Centre from 11.30am to 12.30pm will need to reserve their place in advance. Registration is via Eventbrite or Instagram / Facebook @NeurodiversityNavan
"These small but meaningful accommodations are so important, they enable so many families to attend and enjoy the St Patrick’s Parade just like everyone else,” says Eva.