Calls for funding as preferred Rath to Kilmoon route published
As Meath County Council published a preferred route for the proposed new Rath to Kilmoon road, public representatives are calling for funding to be made available for the project.
The council has issued a public update on the proposed new section of the N2 between Rath Roundabout and Kilmoon Cross with a preferred route option.
The preferred option will see the new road run mostly to the west of the existing N2 with roundabouts at both ends. Access to local roads will continue to be through the exisiting N2 with the roundabouts at either end being the only access to the new road.
However, following a parliamentary question last week, Deputy Darren O'Rourke, questioned if funding would be made available for the scheme. "The TII use language such as 'prioritisation of schemes within the limits of the funding made available by the Department of Transport.' Time will tell if there is funding to deliver this project, but it's welcome that wheels haven't completely stopped," he said.
Following public consultation in 2020 and 2021, an emerging Preferred Option published in February 2022 with large junction corridors shown at the southern tie-in at Rathand the northern tie-in at Kilmoon.
The latest proposals have been refined to a 250m wide carriageway, with slightly widened areas at the proposed junction locations at Rath and Kilmoon. The corridor shown does not represent the actual width of the road scheme or the lands to be acquired – the corridors indicate the lands within which the proposed scheme could be developed. The exact details of the land take, earthworks, junction and side road design and property impacts will be developed during the next phase of the planning and design process.
The existing N2 is shown to be retained to provide local access. The provision of cycle and pedestrian improvements is proposed along the existing N2 between Ashbourne and Cushinstown. The Southern Junction Corridor at Rath and the Northern Junction Corridor at Kilmoon has been refined to show a smaller area where the proposed junction may be sited.
Cllr Joe Bonner said it was important that the scheme be progressed as soon as possible but expressed concern that residents along the route still had little clarity about their situation.
"I see very little difference in the area the northern and southern junction from what we were shown in 2020 and we are being told this could still change.
"This is very unfair on people living in those areas whose lands have been sterilised al this time. Farmers cannot improve their farms, home owners don't know if they can extend their homes - they are in limbo until a decision is made," he said.
"Transport Infrastructure Ireland haven't given the go ahead or funding for this project. I am calling on the new Minister to ensure it goes ahead.
"It will give clarity to people along the route and allow them move on with their lives and alleviate the traffic congestion - at the moment the road between Rath and Kilmoon is a car park."
Deputy O'Rourke was told in the Dail last week, the scheme is included among a number of major national road schemes that are identified for development during the period of the National Development Plan (NDP) 2021 to 2030.
"The process of allocating funding for schemes in 2025 will be based on prioritisation of schemes within the limits of the funding made available by the Department of Transport. This process is currently ongoing, and it is expected that the allocations will be confirmed to the local authorities shortly."
"It is good to see some progress, but ultimately there is a question mark over its progress," Deputy O'Rourke said.
Meath County Council said the project team are currently awaiting TII approval to proceed to the next phase of the process – Phase 3 Design and Environmental Evaluation.