TDs call for inquiry into employment of suspended doctor at Our Lady’s Hospital
News that a doctor was employed at Our Lady's Hospital in Navan last year, while he was under suspension, has led to calls for a full investigation into the circumstances surrounding his employment.
Dr Alaaeddin Almassri was employed in the emergency department of Our Lady’s Hospital for 11 days last year, according to the Sunday Independent.
The report said that the HSE hired the doctor despite the fact he was suspended by court order and despite HSE being warned that the high court had prohibited the doctor from practising medicine for forging prescriptions . Dr Almassri's suspension was lifted in November.
Deputies Peadar Toibin and Darren O'Rourke called for a full investigation.
Deputy Toibin said it was very concerning. “That the Medical Council would take a case to the High Court, that the HSE knew of the suspension and still Navan Hospital employed him begs the questions as to who is in charge.
"As cathaoirleach of the Save Navan Hospital Campaign, I am calling for a full investigation of this case.
"Why does the HSE not have a system in place to ensure all hospitals know of the suspension of a doctor so that such employment mistakes do not happen?
Deputy O’Rourke said fitness-to-practice checks should not be dependent on voluntary disclosure. “This is totally unacceptable. We know that hospitals are desperate to find staff but standards must stand for something. They must be maintained. There must be a full review of the circumstances of this case at Our Lady’s Hospital Navan”, he said.
The Sunday Independent reported that Dr Alaaeddin Almassri, from Gaza in Palestine, had been suspended after an application to the High Court by the Medical Council on 17th June last year after he had admitted to “forging prescriptions on multiple occasions to obtain a range of drugs he said were for personal use.”
He said he was trying to cope with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after the loss of his sister and her eight children in Gaza following an Israeli airstrike in December 2023.
Despite his suspension he began work as a registrar in Emergency Medicine in Navan on 8th July. Once Navan Hospital found out Dr Almassrihad failed to inform it of the investigation and suspension, it terminated his employment on 24th July for breach of contract.
After his suspension and the discovery that he had begun working in Navan, Dr Almassri said he was in a panic due to the visa enabling him and his family to remain in Ireland being dependent on him being able to work. He said that due to staff shortages, Navan required him to start employment sooner than he had intended and prior to the Medical Council’s application being concluded.
A spokesperson for the HSE confirmed that Dr Almassri was employed at Navan Hospital from 8th to 19th July last year.
"Dr Almassri was on the IMC Register at the time of recruitment / onboarding. His position was terminated, when the hospital became aware of his suspension," he said.
"A review was conducted at the time and no patient safety concerns or adverse events were identified.
"In line with the HSE’s fitness to practice procedures when a healthcare employee is suspended by the medical register an employee records search is carried out to determine if the individual named is employed by the HSE.
"This process is conducted through the HSE’s payroll software to ensure the timely and accurate identification of a staff member and their employment details.
"In this instance the recruitment process, including the appropriate vetting and clearance took place in advance of this notification and on receipt of this information appropriate action was taken by the hospital."