Residents horrified by used syringes on popular Navan walkway
Residents of St Benildus Villas in Navan were horrified to find used syringes along the much used laneway beside the Railway track this week.
The residents say the laneway is the site of anti social behaviour and drug taking most nights and is regularly covered with litter.
Local resident Donna Reilly says she was taking her children for afternoon stroll recently. "We came across what can only be described as absolutely horrendous, scary and extremely worrying.
"There were syringes, broken glass and an awful lot of other rubbish strewn on the path.
"Luckily I saw the syringes straight away, but I had my three year old with me. She loves to play doctors at home. It was lucky she hadn't just picked one up.
"There were quite a number of used syringes just lying on the ground in numerous different areas.
"We are letting the three closest schools know, as a lot of people walk through here during school times and small children may fall or hurt themselves on the glass or worst case maybe pick up a syringe not knowing the danger it has. Parents should be made aware of this," she said. "It is not just a danger to children, one of thoe needles could pierce an adults shoe."
"We have lived here 12 years and there have always been problems. The littering on the laneway is dreadful. It gets cleaned up but it is as bad again within short time.
"The anti social behaviour is terrible. There are people shouting and taking drugs at night. We have a lot of elderly people living here and this is very stressful for them.
"A lot of us have locks on our front gates and ring cameras because of the problems."
She said numerous complaints have been made over the past number of years by the residents of Benildus Villas but this is the most serious one to date.
"This is a very serious matter and needs to be addressed as soon as possible. It's not only a matter of safety for children, but for the elderly people who walk this way, people who walk with pets and the general public, but mostly, we the residents is Benildus Villas."
Donna says that they have contacted local councillors, TDs and senators.
She is hoping that a clean up will be carried out and solution proposed to put an end to the problems.
"One solution is closing the opening off all together with a brick wall. It was closed years and years ago with a fence, but was cut through," she recalled.
Meath County Council and Irish Rail have been approached for comment.