Average speed cameras on N2 in operation from today

New average speed cameras will come into operation today in two locations on the N2

The cameras are located at Ballymagarvey and Cullen just south of Slane as part of the planned introduction of average speed cameras and static speed safety cameras across the country.

Vehicles that are detected driving in excess of the 100 kilometre an hour speed limit will be subject to prosecution from midday.

The system uses automatic number plate recognition technology to record the time and date of each vehicle as it passes each of the two cameras.

Anyone found to be driving in excess of the limit will be issued with a Fixed Charge Notice, which carries three penalty points and includes a €160 fine.This fine increases to €240 if it is not paid within 28 days.

Average speed cameras were first introduced in Dublin's Port Tunnel in 2017, but they didn't appear on other roads until 2022.

Before their installation, over half of the vehicles exceeded the 80 km/h speed limit, with 20% surpassing it by more than 10 km/h. This figure dropped dramatically to 0.15% post-installation.