Cillian and Robyn are most popular 2024 Meath baby names
Cillian and Robyn were the most popular names given to babies born in Meath last year, according to data released by the Central Statistics Office last week.
While nationally the most popular names for 2024 were Jack and Sophie, in Meath the top spots went to Cillian and Robyn. Meath was the only county in Ireland where Robyn featured in the top spot and nationally it ranked 27th.
A total of 18 baby girls were given the name Robyn in Meath last year. In second place was Mia with Amelia, Olivia and Sophie in joint third to make up the top five.
Cillian was the most popular boys name in the county with 28 babies given the name in 2024. In joint second place were Jack and Noah, while Tadhg and Rían made up the rest of the top five.
Cillian was the fourth most popular name for newborn boys in Ireland last year overall and also took the top spot in Kerry. In 2023 in Meath, Liam and Jack were the joint most popular boys' names while the top spot for girls was Grace, a name which didn't feature in the top five in the county for 2024.
Nationally, the top five names for boys last year were Jack, Noah, Rían, Cillian and James.
Jack has been the most popular name in Ireland since 2007, with the exception of 2016, when James was the most popular name.
Sophie rose to the number one spot for girls in 2024, climbing from fourth place in 2023. The second most popular girl's names last year was Éabha, moving up from 8th place in 2023. Grace, which held the top spot in 2023 is now in third place with Emily in fourth and Fiadh in fifth.
There were three new entrants to the top 100 for boys: Rowan, Caleb, and Iarlaith. Caleb was the name that rose most in popularity, jumping from 142nd place in 2023 to 91st last year.
There were four new entrants to the top 100 for girls: Hallie, Rhea, Caragh, and Aurora. Rhea has grown most in popularity, rising from 130th place in 2023 to 93rd in 2024.
There is a wider variety in the names registered for girls, with 5,161 girls' names in 2024 compared with 4,421 for boys.