Ó Ríordáin to run in European elections after 'visceral' reaction to Dublin riots

James Cox

Labour TD Aodhán Ó Riordáin is to seek his party's nomination to run in the European elections which take place next year.

The Dublin Bay North TD has told the Sunday Independent that he had a "visceral" reaction to the riots seen in Dublin city centre, which resulted in a "lightbulb" moment for him.

Mr Ó Riordáin had previously decided not to run for the European Parliament, but said the riots last month made him reconsider.

He will be facing Senator Annie Hoey and Fingal councillor Rob O'Donoghue next month for the nomination by the party.

Mr Ó Riordáin told the Sunday Independent: “You really get the sense that everything that had been creeping up has now exploded and I don’t think really we have enough leadership in Dublin to talk about Dublin on any level, on any platform at all.”

He said a lot of energy in the Dáil chamber is focused around rural Ireland, and warned that Dublin is "being allowed to die".