Impact of social media attacks on retail outlets raised

Cllr Ronan Moore raised the issue of negative comments being posted about local businesses on social media, describing some of it as “potentially libellous” at the December meeting of Trim MD.

He spoke of the impact such commentary, particularly when on discussion boards, could have on ratepayers and asked the council if there was any advice that could be given to small businesses and retailers.

“We are doing a lot of work around supporting shopping local at the moment and it's something that has been brought up here on a few occasions where there seems to be a growth of commentary being made particularly on social media around retailers. The concern is that some of the commentary that would be very negative but also potentially libellous could obviously have a very serious impact on small enterprises and retailers.”

Cllr Moore commented that when the comments are posted on discussion boards with a significant number of members, it “amplifies the message”.

“We need to protect our ratepayers. They are the ones funding significant things around the town and I would be worried that there are rate payers out there who potentially would be targeted. It's something I've noticed myself in the last six months, and there doesn’t seem to be any repercussion.”

He asked if there was any support or guidance that could be given at council level to small businesses.

Director of Services, Des Foley said it was something he wasn't aware of but would follow up on through economic and enterprise area, to see if any guidance or support can be given to retailers and businesses in the situations Cllr Moore had outlined.