Cathaoirleach Cllr Tommy Reilly with Minister of State, Thomas Byrne, Meath County Council Chief Executive, Kieran Kehoe, Meath County Council Director of Services, Fiona Fallon and Chairperson of Meath Local Community Development Committee, Suzanne Brady

Meath County Council launches six year economic and community development plan

Meath County Council has launch new six-year plan to guide economic and community development in the county

Cathaoirleach Cllr Tommy Reilly and Minister of State for Sport, Thomas Byrne launched the Meath Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP), 2023-2029 today (Friday).

The LECP shapes the development of Meath over the next six years with the aim of making Meath a vibrant, sustainable, progressive, and climate-resilient county underpinned by inclusive, healthy, empowered communities and a dynamic economy.

The Meath LECP sets out the objectives and actions needed to promote and support the economic development and the local and community development of Meath, both by Meath County Council directly and in partnership with other economic and community development stakeholders.

In terms of local community development, the LECP aims to meet the needs of individuals, groups, and organisations by developing community infrastructure, programmes and services. From an economic perspective the LECP will provide a framework to guide local economic growth and stability in specific geographical areas through retaining and attracting new business, creating employment, and supporting people to start their own businesses and social enterprises.

Speaking at the launch, Cathaoirleach of Meath County Council, Cllr. Tommy Reilly said, “We want to make Meath an even better place in which to live, work, and visit by creating new opportunities, improving connectivity and access between rural and urban areas, and protecting and enhancing services in the community. This plan gives Meath County Council, businesses, community and voluntary groups, and local communities a roadmap to follow. It also helps to ensure that everyone is working together towards the same goal”.

Chief Executive of Meath County Council, Kieran Kehoe, added, “The plan sets out seven high-level goals, which were developed following extensive public consultation and build on the foundation of the first LECP (2016 -2021), including new elements which support the vision set out in the Meath County Development Plan. I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the development of the Meath LECP, it is a plan for the improvement of the county, and I look forward to seeing the benefits of its implementation.”

Suzanne Brady, Chairperson of Meath Local Community Development Committee, said, “The delivery of this LECP will require leadership from the various agencies, and I look forward to working with these agencies, many of whom are represented by my colleagues on the Local Community Development Committee. The LCDC members are committed to empowering and participating in the continued development of their communities throughout the county”.

The LCDC comprises nine members from local government and agencies and 10 members from local development and community interests across Meath. The economic perspective of the LECP was guided by Meath County Council's Economic Development Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) which comprises five elected members and five members from various sectoral interests.

The development of each LECP is informed by the overall vision for Local Government as set out in Putting People First: Action Programme for Effective Local Government, the need “to promote the well-being and quality of life of citizens and communities."

The plan is available to view on; just search for Meath Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP), 2023-2029.