SNA Celebration Day... SNAs Karen Caffrey, Anne Marie Reilly, Linda Farrell, Emma O’Keefe and Carol McSherry pictured at the buddy bench in Scoil Bhride Cannistown National School in anticipation of SNA appreciation day scheduled for this Thursday 26th September. PHOTO: DAVY MULLEN.

A day to celebrate the SNA... Recognising the crucial role SNAs play in supporting students with additional needs

A DAY to honour and recognise the work of SNAs will take place in education facilities across the country this week and one Navan school is thoroughly embracing the idea.

With more than 3,750 schools across Ireland participating, the country’s first-ever SNA Appreciation Day launched by Fórsa's Education division will take place this Thursday 26th September to recognise the crucial role SNAs play in supporting students with additional needs. There are 22,000 SNAs in Ireland.

Scoil Bhride in Cannistown in Navan is one of the schools celebrating the contribution its five SNAs offer to the school.

Emma O’Keefe has been an SNA in the school for six years and says that although it is a union initiative , the event aims to show solidarity with every SNA.

“The whole school community here is to excited to have this event and I hope it is going to be celebrated in all schools as much as it is here,” said Emma.

“I am on of five SNAs here in Cannistown so it will be really nice just to sit down and have a chat together about why we do our job,” she added.

“The school environment here is just so lovely and we were really all work very closely together and everyone is there for the best interests of the students.”

The role of an SNA is hugely rewarding according to Emma who said:

“We really are there solely to support the students and to be their voice.

“We build such a strong relationship with the children that we get to know them and their needs very well so we can pre-empt any supports they might need or advise other teaching staff on their requirements.

“For example If there is a visual impairment we make sure that is recognised and that it is able to be accommodated and facilitated within the classroom.

“Some kids might need movement breaks or sensory breaks and we are very lucky to have sensory tents in the school that the students can come to when they need to regulate.

“We also have a sensory area outside that was installed with input from the children. We really try to encourage children to have a positive attitude towards school to enable them to flourish in the classroom in whatever area that is.”

Carol McSherry is an SNA in Cannistown NS and chairperson of the North Dublin North Leinster SNA branch of Fórsa Union. She is also on the working group for SNA Appreciation Day.

“We are really looking forward to Thursday where we will show solidarity with SNAs all across the country and acknowledge the tremendous care they offer to students,” said Carol.

“Our SNAs here in Scoil Bhride in Cannistown are central to our school community and we could not operate without them and the students have such a good rapport with every one of them.”