Tóibín: Report of a potential Oireachtas spy is of serious concern, parties must audit TDs and Senators

Aontu leader Deputy Peadar Tóibín has called on all political parties and independents to audit TDs and Senadóirí to ensure no undue influence from Russia or any other country.

He made his remarks in light of a report in the Sunday Times of a potential Oireachtas spy, adding that it was "of serious concern and outlined how he was approached about an all expenses paid trip to Russia and a meeting with Vladamir Putin.

According to the ST report, an Irish politician was allegedly recruited by Russian intelligence following an investigation by Irish military and security services.

"While people will be intrigued by the report, its important to understand the threat that this poses. Ireland was hit by a cyber-attack in 2021 that has led to €100m in costs so far, said Deputy Tóibín.

"The costs are expected to increase to well over €600m and many thousands of people have suffered due to significantly delayed health care. We do not know how many people will have lost their lives as a result of this attack. Ireland’s position within the EU, the location of so many tech and data firms in Ireland and our significant weakness in terms of our defence forces leaves us extremely exposed to threats such as this”.

“In 2017 I was approached by a consultancy firm offering a me a trip to Russia, stays in 5 star hotels and a meeting with Vladimir Putin. This struck me as very strange and a little incredible. Given the anti-democratic nature of the Putin regime I indicated that I was not interested in it. Politically I believe that there is no such thing as a free lunch. Politicians are there to serve their citizens and not be in the pocket of others. Jollies such as this represent a threat of undue influence.

"The political system in Ireland has been replete with influence or control by others usually with a check book. That that influence would be sought in this manner from outside the country is obviously of serious concern. I passed the request to the international department of my previous party and told them I was not interested in attending”.

“Given the report that there is possibly a spy within the members of the Oireachtas, I think it’s important that political parties and independents indicate if their members have engaged in such trips before or have left themselves exposed to undue influence through their actions. It is beyond treacherous for any elected rep of the people to actively use their office to pursue the interests of any other nation, never mind, the current Putin regime. I am not looking for a witch hunt but political parties and independents need to quickly and openly investigate this potential threat and bring it out into the open.