Unions pressure McEntee on Navan Hospital upgrade

Minister Helen McEntee has been urged to ensure a commitment to upgrade Our Lady's Hospital in Navan to a Level 3 hospital is included in the programme for government.

Meath Trades Council, which has 19 trade unions affiliated to it, has written to Minister McEntee as a leader in the government formation talks, urging her to commit to an upgrading of the hospital.

The letter calls for the upgrade to be written into the programme of government in order to “secure Navan A&E's future once and for all.”

The letter, which is also circulated to all the Meath TDs and councillors, is signed by Moira Leydon, secretary and John Regan, chair of the Meath Trades Council.

“The timing is opportune to get our fair share of the Apple fund to provide financial assistance for the upgrade of the A&E Department on behalf of all the communities in Co Meath,” the letter states.

“In the event of Apple funding not being allocated for this purpose, we expect the government to support the funding necessary to have it upgraded to a Level 3 Plus hospital.”

The letter goes on to say that the Trade Council considers the Minister’s previous representations to Health Ministers and her contesting the consultant led agenda to downgrade the hospital, as a huge contribution towards the hospital keeping its current status, although it is under a cloud.

“We require a commitment to provide an upgrade to Level 3 hospital written into the programme for government which will secure Navan A&E’s future once and for all.” the letter urges.