Aontú withdraws from Regional Technical Group
As the row continues over speaking rights in the Dail, Aontú has withdrawn from the Regional Technical Group of TDs.
Party leader, Peadar Tóibin, confirmed the party has joined an alternative grouping called the Independent Technical Group which consists of Independent Ireland members and Deputy Paul Fogarty.
"We have to demonstrate responsibility to the people who voted for us, but the archaic system in the Dail means we wont get to speak unless we are part of a technical group," Deputy Tóibín said.
Aontú had come under fire for joining the technical group with the regional independents who negotiated and now support the Programme for Government.
A row over whether or not the Regional Technical Group will have speaking rights in the Dail has delayed the election of Taoiseach, with the Dail sessions suspended three times already today.