Further traffic calming works for Dangan NS

Further traffic calming measures are to be carried out at Dangan NS, Summerhhill, including the provision of a raised pedestrian crossing to further slow down traffic.

The school is located on the busy R158 Trim to Summerhill Road and while existing traffic calming measures had resulted in a reduction of 20kmh in the average speed of traffic passing the school, it is hoped that the new scheme will reduce this further.

The part eight for the scheme, which was on display from 16th October to 13th November last provided for two new ramps, a controlled raised pedestrian crossing ramp, a reduction of the carriageway width to 6.5m, increase the width and upgrade existing footpaths, installation of roadside school themed bollards, and new road markings.

A report on was brought before local councillors for their approval at their February meeting where it was outlined that a number of changes were being proposed for the scheme including reducing the number of ramps from five to three.

Councillors heard that a five submissions were received during the public consultation- four from local residents and one from the school itself. The primary concerns were that the existing ramps were in the wrong locations and were too high resulting in noise and that additional ramps would compound this, while one submission had concerns about the removal of existing parking facilities.

Taking on board the submssions, the scheme has been amended reducing the number of ramps from five to three, the height and gradient of the ramps will also be reduced to address noise issues and the ramps are to be evenly spaced out. They are also omitting the grass area to regain parking.

Councillors heard that it is intended the construction work will take place during the summer holidays.

Cllr Dave Boyne welcomed the works and said they should be outside every school in the county. Cllr Joe Fox said it was an excellent scheme and the raised platform crossing would make a big difference. He added that he knew there were some issues with residents about the ramps but that reducing the gradient should improve things.