Cllr’s concerns about back garden cabin homes

A GOVERNMENT proposal that could see restrictions relaxed around erecting cabin or modular style homes in back gardens as part of efforts to tackle housing crisis could open up a “pandora's box” and would need the tightest of regulations, according to Cllr Nick Killian.

The Ratoath area councillor made the comments at the March meeting of Meath County Council and said while he was all for the idea in a rural situation, he could foresee it causing problems in an urban setting in tight back gardens overlooked by neighbours.

He questioned how it would be monitored and enforced and who would be monitoring what size cabins are being put in, saying there are ads popping up on social media advertising these cabins which are 50 or 60sqm.

The current proposal, if it is ultimately introduced would also for detached units of up to 40sqm.

Cllr Killian said if the proposal if it goes ahead would need the strictest of rules and said he could see it causing huge problems and you could have people putting them in their back gardens for use as airbnbs. “It is opening up a Pandora’s Box,” he commented.

“I want to flag it, that if it comes in, we could get caught as piggy in the middle here and you could have neighbour fighting neighbour in relation to it.

“I'm just trying to pre-empt, and if its a situation that the government decide to bring this in, it will have to be under the tightest regulations there can possibly be and how is it going to be enforced?

“Maybe I am looking at a problem that may not be there but I think if government are serious we have to be ready.”