‘A Celebration of Life Disco Spinathon’ takes places in Surge Health and Fitness in Fordstown, Kells on Saturday 29th March.” Aisleen Harte pictured with spin teacher Linda Murtagh.

Disco spinathon in Fordstown ‘to celebrate life’

A Drumbaragh woman has organised a charity disco spinathon "to celebrate life" and remember loved ones who are no longer with us.

Aisleen Harte says having experienced the loss of a number of loved ones over the last few months it made her want to do something positive and create a day where people could come together and enjoy an hour of being active and interacting with each other. What's more is that the proceeds from the event will go to the local "Dads Cycle for Charity" in Kells.

"I've observed a lot of sadness over the last few months, some of it closer to home and it also made me think a lot about, why do we wait until people are gone to really celebrate them and also reassess our own lives, why don't we act on it now?" questions the Drumbaragh mother-of-two.

"For for the last few months in particular I have found myself saying we need to enjoy every day when we can and how it is a luxury to step out of bed every day, do the things you want to do when you're able and it's so important to live every single day," said Aisleen.

"It's not just a cliche but I genuinely mean those words every time I use them and it's for personal reasons and knowing and seeing people go through things out of their control that I realise more than anything how lucky I really am and how precious every day is," she added.

"I just thought, we're all very good at talking about people when they're gone why don't we just do things together, when we're all here and we're able to?

"And the idea came to me when I was in the middle of a spin class, which I absolutely love the torture of with Linda Murtagh In Surge Health and Fitness and when I messaged her afterwards about the idea to ask if she would do the classes she was 100 per cent on board.

"Dads Cycle for Charity are an amazing local group of dads, one being my own husband who give directly back to people in the community, so donating all of the money raised to them was a no brainer for me. They quietly do so much work and I think they deserve a huge amount of credit for it."

The 'A Celebration of Life Disco Spinathon' takes places in Surge Health and Fitness in Fordstown, Kells on Saturday 29th March.

"The classes are from nine o'clock in the morning until 6pm in the evening and are 30 minutes long with 12 bikes in each session it's like an express spin class," said Aisleen.

"So it's going to be a half an hour spin and a half an hour just to kind of chat and connect, and be together and I'm trying to get a coffee trailer to come along on the day too."