Slovakian native artist's Navan exhibition
An exhibition by artist Miriam Fitzgerald Juskova is currently running at Navan Library.
Originally from Slovakia, she met her Irish husband in America and after travelling a lot she decided to settle down and raise a family here in Ireland.
She explains: “Now I am a working mum with three wonderful kids. I have always had a passion throughout my life in arts and craft. About year and half ago I came across paper craft and especially paper quilling. And instantly fall in love with it. It’s a journey of learning and discovering the endless possibilities of paper in three-dimensional way.
My creative journey started with folding and rolling paper strips into flowers, animals and names. Recently I have introduced some geometrical patterns and mandalas into my work. I was given the opportunity to debut my work in Navan Library, which its great way to show my work to wider audience and share to beauty of paper craft itself.