70 new jobs for Kells
Seventy new jobs were announced for Kells today by Mafic (Black Basalt) Ireland Limited, who will produce basalt fibres for use in the aeronautic and car industry.
The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton announced that Mafic will create 70 jobs over the next three years with a multi-million Euro investment in their new production facility in Kells Business Park.
Mafic will create employment in the areas of general management, shop floor managers, general operatives and administrative staff.
Mafic Kells will be the sole production site of basalt fibre, which will be used for the manufacture of composite products for the North American markets.
Mafic will commence recruitment of production supervisors and manufacturing technicians immediately.
The recruitment process for production operatives will take place throughout June and July with successful candidates for these roles commencing employment in August.
A recruitment fair/evening will take place in Kells in June.