BREAKING Schools, universities and childcare facilities to close

Schools, childcare facilities and universities across the country are to close tomorrow as the battle against COVID 19 ramps up.

Where possible, teaching will be done online.
Cultural institutions will also close from 6pm this evening and where possible, people have been advised to work form home.
The closures will be in effect until 29th March.
Indoor gatherings of more than 100 people and outdoor gatherings of more than 500 are to be cancelled.
Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, announced the move at a press conference in Washington this morning.
"You should continue to go to work and where possibeto work from home. In order to reduce unnecessary face to face interaction in the workplace, working time should be staggered and meetings done remotely, or by phone, "Public transport will continue to operate, the shops will remain open, and we have plans to ensure that supply chains will not be interrupted." 

He said we need the public and businesses to take a sensible level headed, responsible approach during this difficult time. "Restaurants, cafes and other businesses can stay open and look for ways they can implement public health advice on social distancing. And as a general rule, outside of work people should seek to reduce social interactions as much as possible."

"Acting together as one nation, we can help save lives."
He said the economy will suffer, but it will bounce back. 

Tanaiste Simon Coveney says the measures being implemented are unprecedented in scale, but are based on sound, expert advice and have not been taken lightly.

He said the days and weeks ahead will be difficult and we cannot succeed on our own.

"We are asking people to continue to work and where people can work remotely should do so. 

"|f anyone shows symptoms they should not delay, but immediately self-isolate."

"We are asking Irish people to stay apart," he said.

"The days and weeks ahead will be difficult and the Government cannot do this on its own.

"The most effective tool is to do everything we can to slow down the spread. Those who are vulnerable are precious.

"It will have a deep impact on people's abilities to do their job.

"We are asking people to continue to work where possible. Those who go to the places of work should limit contact." 

Health Minister, Simon Harris urged older people in particular to reduce their social contacts outside the home.

He said there are practical measures we can take - it is essential to maintain hand hygiene and follow good advice when it comes to coughing and sneezing.