Kells textile exhibition

A quilting exhibition which has been attracting a lot of interest around the country is taking place in the Kells Heritage Centre during the month of August. In 'We Share the Same Sky', textile artists and art quilters from Northern Ireland and the Republic have joined forces to produce pieces that vary in technique and interpretation, while together showing that art using the medium of textile and stitch is alive and well. Eight members of The Textile Art Forum spent five days living and working together in February 2008 to discuss and share ideas and techniques. Textile pieces produced in the months following the residential week, form the resulting body of work seen in this exhibition. All the work represented comes under the umbrella of textile art but each member has taken their media and theme and interpreted it according to individual expression. They have created an exhibition that crosses the boundaries of differing styles, backgrounds and cultures, expressing the variety of human life that is indeed under the same sky. The artists involved are Jan Blair, Lesley Frew, Heather Irwin, Jennifer Lemon, Liz McCulloch, Amanda Northey-Damms, Frances Sawaya and Marie Shannon.