Trim envelope company to shed 18 jobs

The Trim area has suffered a major jobs blow with the announcement that 18 jobs are to go at local envelope manufacturing firm, Trimfold. Employees were told on Monday that due to the company"s withdrawal from the UK market where it can no longer compete, 18 jobs will be lost at the Trim plant. It is understood that the envelope manufacturer, which is located in the Duggan Industrial Estate on the Athboy Road, currently employees approximately 50 people. A meeting is due to take place on Friday between SIPTU officials who represent the workers, and management of Trimfold, one of the town"s longest-established companies. In a statement, the firm said: 'The company is faced with the challenge to remain competitive and secure the long term viability of the company going forward. Due to currency disadvantages and higher costs structure in Ireland, demand for the company"s products is in serious decline in the UK. 'It is no longer possible to compete in this market which currently constitutes 40 per cent of the company"s turnover. It is necessary to rationalise the scale of operation to concentrate on supply to local markets and this will mean the loss of 18 jobs at the Trim plant. 'Failure to take action will threaten the future viability of the company and thus the remaining jobs'. Meath Branch Secretary of SIPTU, John Regan said he would be meeting with the company on Friday to discuss the announcement and that they will be seeking to save as many jobs as they can. He said: 'It was announced that there will be 18 redundancies. We will be meeting management on Friday to explore everything including the retention of as many jobs as we can and alternative ways to give the company savings.' Mr Regan said the news was a huge blow to the community and that Trimfold is one of the largest employers in manufacturing in Trim. 'It is a blow to the community and a blow to our members,' he said. Meath County Council"s Director of Economic Development and Trim town manager, Kevin Stewart said: 'I am very sorry to hear of the job losses at Trimfold as they are one of the largest employers in the town. I hope that they can source other orders to replace the lost business in the UK and we will certainly give them any assistance we can to help them protect the remaining jobs at the plant. It is important that we all work together to promote Meath as a good location for business and to encourage others to locate here and the Economic Development Unit in Meath County Council will continue to play it"s part in doing that in these very difficult times.' Meanwhile, the loss of 6,000 IDA jobs this year was a direct result of the Government"s failure to tackle the high cost of doing business in Ireland, including some of the highest electricity prices in Europe, Meath West Fine Gael TD Damien English said this week. This came on the back of the net loss of 1,163 jobs in IDA-supported companies last year. Ireland"s hope of trading its way back to recovery was slim unless business costs were tackled, he added.