Dangerous derelict building in Kells demolished

A derelict building at Maudlin Street, Kells, which has been the centre of countless incidents of antisocial behaviour over the past few years, was demolished over the weekend. Last week, a local teenager suffered serious injuries in a fall from a top floor window, leading to renewed calls for the building"s demolition. The building, known as McNally"s, which had been a listed structure, was a cause of grave concern to local residents and public representatives who have been calling for years for something to be done to alleviate the situation there. Kells area manager Brendan McGrath said this week that a dangerous structure notice had been served on the building. He said it was a listed building but a structural engineer and a conservation officer inspected it and it was deemed to have deteriorated to such an extent that the only option was its demolition. 'It was no longer possible to preserve the building. Public safety takes precedence,' he said. Mr McGrath said that the front of the building had begun to list badly and it was so dangerous that it was feared the building could collapse. He warned, however, that the council would not allow other nearby buildings to deteriorate in the same way. The demolition of the structure was welcomed by Cllr Conor Ferguson who said that parents in the area had been at their wits" end because of the dangerous condition of the building. 'Youngsters were using it as a gathering place and it wasn"t safe for them and it caused a lot of problems for local people,' he said. 'The Gardai, fire service and ambulance service were regularly called out to incidents there, someimes twice a week,' he said. 'Children as young as 10 were playing in it. It is close to local estates and children just saw an open door and a place to play,' he added. Cllr Ferguson said it was now important to be vigilant and not allow other empty properties in the area fall into the same condition. He urged the public to call the Gardai if they saw anybody entering any of the other empty buildings nearby. The Mayor of Kells, Cllr Brian Curran, also welcomed the demolition and called for the site to be secured so that children did not get access to neighbouring sites. He said the problems there had been going on for over 12 years and he hoped no other building in the area would be allowed get into the same state.