Unable to contact emergency service as water gushed in

Water 'gushed through' a house on the Trim Road, Navan, on Saturday evening last but the elderly owner"s family could not get through to the Local Emergency Services number. Meath County Council"s spokesman stated that it had sought a full report from the company which provides this service for local authorities and public services around the country. Elaine Dowdall, who lives with her mother at the Trim Road house, said she and family members tried 'consistently' from 3.30pm onwards to get thrwough but were put on hold and eventually cut off. She was concerned that this might happen to an elderly person living alone, although she accepted that all the country was under great pressure in the heavy rain. She had returned from shopping with her mother in Navan and noticed that the water was accumulating in the back field. She used the sandbags they had and other family members went into Navan for more. But the water came flooding through the house. It was similar to the emergency which occurred about six years ago at a time of serious floods in Meath. That time, they had to leave their home for six months. They now are staying with Elaine"s sister. Elaine said her fiance Aidan Lightholder and farming neighbours from the Robinstown\Dunderry area came to the rescue with slurry tankers. She was very appreciative of their efforts and the help of family and neighbours. Each of six slurry tanks was capable of pumping 2,500 gallons of water. The County Council spokesman said this company provided an out-of-hours service for a wide range of local authorities. Some 13 or 14 local authorities probably had people using the service last weekend. However, the Council was awaiting a full report from the company. Meath Co. COuncillor, Tommy Reilly called on the OPW to investigate the entire watercourse in this Philpotstown area. In Navan town, the Ebony Rose shop at Academy St., Navan, is planning to hold a 'redeemable clearance sale' after water invaded the basement. Owner, Haley Curran, said she and staff had been removing stock in advance, realising that the heavy rain last week posed a major risk. It was a 'damage limitation' exercise. The water started to come in around 6.30am on Saturday and by 7am there was three and a half feet of water in the basement. She praised the Fire Brigade for their help. Haley stated on Monday (18th. August) that they opened that morning having closed on Sunday. She expects to hold the special sale on the last weekend of August. Navan Mayor, Padraig Fitzsimons said that he would be asking the Co. COuncil for work to improve the drainage at the Moatville estate in Navan, which was threatened by flooding last weekend. Residents Association treasurer, Coleman Duffy said that the estate has a high proportion of older residents living there. Many became quite upset as the downpours continued. However, they had contacted the Fire Brigade who arrived in time to avert a crisis. Elsewhere in Navan, Cannon Row and Circular Road were among areas hit by the heavy downpours. In the Slane area, a back road at Donore was impassable and Gardai had to help rescue four horses who were trapped in waters in a field. The Ladyswell celebration at Slane Castle which was to have been revived had to be postponed.