Sun smiles on Trim agri show

The gods looked down favourably on the Porchfields in Trim on Sunday last as the Royal Meath Agricultural Show Committee"s 68th annual event took place in glorious sunshine, escaping the torrential rains that have lashed the country in recent weeks and caused many other events to be called off or postponed. Show chairperson Rosemary Swan was delighted with the success and the crowds, and paid tribute to all those who helped in any way, from the generous sponsors, hardworking committee members and all who took part and attended. And while the heavens didn"t open, one visitor to the Porchfields got a drenching he didn"t expect when a bull decided to go for a run around the venue, having escaped from his pen. The animal made for the road near the ring road bridge over the Boyne, where a number of gatemen and the safety officials tried to catch him. However, he damaged the mirror of the jeep being driven by the safety officials. The man who received the unwelcome dunking in the river was sitting on a wall close to the water"s edge, oblivious to the goings-on, until the bull made his way towards him. Alerted by shouts from the show staff, the man had no choice but to head for the water, bull in pursuit. Luckily, he made it back to the bank while the bull went downstream with the water towards the Maudlins, where he was eventually captured. Visitors to the show enjoyed the cattle, sheep and horse events, pets" corner, and a new sports day event, as well as the home industries displays, and the underfoot conditions were helped by the placing of bark mulch on the walkways and public areas. Results from the show will be carried next week.