Navan Town Cosmos FC prepare for challenges ahead
The following statement was issued by Navan Town Cosmos FC on the creation of the club from two previously well-known identities and their plans for the future.
"Navan Cosmos FC & Navan Town FC have been the cornerstone of the local Navan sporting community for many decades. From start of 2019 season onwards they will be combining their efforts in a newly merged Club called, Navan Town Cosmos FC.
"Between both clubs they will have 20 teams, from adult to an U-6 Academy of boys & girls. This all means there are now over 300 players, 25 coaches and hundreds of family & friends involved in the clubs week in / week out based in their completely owned 10 acre facility at Old Bawn on the Trim road.
"The merger makes perfect sense, with Navan Town FC providing the privately owned playing facilities and Navan Cosmos FC providing the vast majority of the playing teams. A club consolidation like this will help bring the best out of both clubs and provide a stable base for many years into the future.
"In fact Navan Town and Navan Cosmos had already started collaborating at the end of last year and they will be running a major fundraiser called “The OsKaRs” in Newgrange Hotel on Sat 2nd March 2019. The OsKaRs is an Events with c50 people who are cast into seven different movies and each movie will be approx. 8-10 minutes in length. This will see the participants act out well known scenes from that movie or TV series.
"Participants rehearse over a five week period in the basics of TV & Movie acting and the filming & production itself will take place over two consecutive weekends. On the night of the OsKaRs event not only does the cast and crew from each movie walk down the catwalk but each movie is screened in front of an audience of approx. 450 and OsKaRs are presented to the best Best Actress, Actor, Supporting Actress, Supporting Actor, Best Movie, Highest Grossing Movie & Highest Grossing Individual.
"Damien Clarke, Navan Town Chairman and joint Chairperson of Navan Town Cosmos FC said: “This will be our biggest fundraising venture to date and we need the community support to make the “The OsKaRs” venture in March 2019 a massive success as well as providing much needed support for our clubs further development”.
Damien expanded on this by saying “We have big plans for our club in future, already with 20 teams, a 10 acre partially developed playing facility and a 5 year development plan – there is no reason we cannot be one of the biggest and most successful clubs in the North East”
Navan Town Cosmos FC had its first committee meeting on Monday 14th January . This meeting formally ratified the merger recommendation previously passed at separate club EGMs before Christmas. For the 2019 season at least Navan Town Cosmos FC with have joint committee members in key positions, e.g. chairpersons, treasurer and so on.
Bob Hogan, joint Chairperson of Navan Town Cosmos FC said: “This is a very exciting time for us all. It brings a new lease of life to both clubs and we really expect to move things onto a new level”
But he was also quick to explain that the great work already achieved by both Clubs will continue to be built upon. “We have a U13 Club Trip scheduled for St Mirren Academy at the end of January 2019 and we have just appointed a new first team manager from within the club, Mark Walsh, who has already taken the reins and kicked off his 2019 pre-season activities including his coaching staff and backroom teams.
"As Damien has already said we are in the middle of a major fundraiser with the event itself scheduled for 2nd March 2019 in Newgrange Hotel. Our funds from previous year(s) fundraisers and this event will be the cornerstone of moving forward with our playing facility development plan.
"Despite Navan Town and Navan Cosmos being local rivals in the past, they have shown great maturity to pool their resources and put in place a detailed plan for the future of football for both clubs under the merged name, Navan Town Cosmos FC. The combined memberships will now have a bright future for many years to come."