Susan McCann benefit concert in aid of Guide Dogs for the Blind

Following the success of previous benefit nights, Susan McCann will perform at Solstice, Navan, on Friday 26th September in aid of the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind association. The Newry born Irish country singing sensation has celebrated over 30 years success as an international star, and will perform an array of classic favourites for audiences to sing along with. Since its foundation in 1976, IGDB has provided guide dogs for blind and vision impaired clients throughout the country, in addition to training clients in the use of the mobility cane. In recent years IGDB has been providing assistance dogs for families of children with autism. All services are provided free of charge by IGDB, and the organisation is heavily dependent on fundraising in order to continue these services. With 18 per cent of funding coming through Government agencies, the balance is raised through voluntary donations and the dedicated work of many groups of volunteers throughout the country, including a very active group in Navan. Tickets for Susan McCann"s concert are €20, concessions €15, and are available from Solstice Arts Centre, (046) 909 2300 or