Kilcock summer art exhibition

Kilcock Art Gallery's summer exhibition of artists is now in full swing and continues daily until 5th September 2009. Rose Stapleton, Eugene Conway, Michael Gemmell, James English, RHA; Bob Quinn, John Brobbel, RA; Bob Lynn, Leo Higgins, Liesbeth Fonkert, Patrick Cahill, Mike Bernard, Michael McWilliams, Manus Walsh, Katsuya, Michael Flaherty, Andrew Folan, RHA; Josephine Grant, Aidan Flanagan, Simon Knowles and Joe Dunne are some of the artists exhibiting over 200 works in the summer exhibition 2009. The gallery, located on School Street, is open Tuesday-Friday from 10am to 5pm and on Saturday from 2pm-5pm. Phone (01) 628 7619 for further information.