GAA faces battle to have Navan land rezoned

Meath GAA is seeking to have 8.5 acres of its grounds around Pairc Tailteann in Navan zoned for mixed use development. A submission to the draft Navan development plan 2009-2015, which is currently being discussed by councillors, proposes the creation of a 'new town' to complement the 'old town' of Navan. Cooney Architects and McGill Planning, Dublin, on behalf of Meath GAA, have put forward plans which "seek to provide an urban framework plan to guide the redevelopment of the town centre core of Navan, particularly in relation to a large parcel of lands immediately adjoining Pairc Tailteann, which has recently become available for development". The lands in question are the former town swimming pool grounds and the training pitches behind the Pairc Tailteann stand, as well as part of the area behind the 'hospital end' goals. The lands are currently zoned recreational, community and educational, and the submission seeks to have these zoned as mixed use. "A vibrant town centre requires a full range of local services and facilities, including commercial, retail, residential, educational, health, spiritual and civic uses' the submission states. "The potential development of the site at the edge of the town centre area provides an ideal opportunity to enhance the use mix of the central area of the town," it adds. A key objective of the redevelopment would seek to complement and enhance the existing function of the town centre core by providing a suitable mix of uses, including retail, community, recreation and leisure amenity and residential areas. There would be nothing to prevent an attainment of a residential density of 1:2.5, the submission adds. The proposal would help integrate this area north-west of the proposed new railway station with the existing town centre in Navan. An 'indicative material plan' included as an appendice to the proposal also shows a drawing of the current Navan O'Mahonys grounds and surrounding properties with residential, office, parking, landscaping and courtyard plans. In his response to the proposal, Meath County Manager says it is essential to retain a mix of uses, including recreational uses, in the town core area to ensure an appropriate mix of commercial, retail, recreational, civic, cultural and residential uses and to protect and enhance the vitality of Navan town centre. "The planning authority, therefore, does not support the rezoning of the F1 zoned lands (which are currently in use as playing pitches) as put forward. However, the rezoning of the former swimming pool site (now derelict) from G1 to C1 'mixed use' is considered appropriate, given the proximity to the established commercial area and the adjoining commercial uses," he added. His recommendation is to rezone the swimming pool lands from G1 (to provide for necessary community, recreational and educational facilities) to C1 (to provide for and facilitate mixed residential and business uses in existing mixed use central business areas). However, it is understood that local councillors are against any rezoning of the lands in question and both the GAA submission and the manager's recommendation are expected to be shot down.