Enough is enough from Fianna Fail

Dear sir - The time has come when the ordinary members of Fianna Fail should resolutely turn their face against the corruption and incompetence of their political elders. The people who so proudly followed in the republican traditions of De Valera and Lemass (people who laboured for the common good of the people of Ireland) should now say enough is enough. Especially when one is faced with our Minister for Transport refusing to learn from his abuse of expenses during his St Patrick's day trip to the US (costing the taxpayer €70,000 in 2007), and also reportedly receiving a number of cash advances for his personal use during these trips, courtesy of the taxpayer. This minister is guilty of the typical behaviour which the members of the party should repudiate. He shows blatant disregard for the suffering of ordinary people trying to make ends meet with his abuse of expenses and extravagant use of the Government jet. If he had to attend a meeting in London he should have flown direct from Dublin and skip the opportunity of listening to his own voice in Donegal. What jobs has he brought to Meath? He supported the Green Party in their attempt to include the banning of a local hunt in the programme for government. As a result he is responsible for the loss of €1.3 million to the local economy (which has been independently estimated as the annual spend in Co Meath of the Ward Hunt) not to mention the possible loss of four jobs in the kennels and the fallen stock service which they provide to the local farmers. When the country was in the grip of the worst floods in decades he refused to return from his foreign holiday to help to address the transport problems that arose. In the midst of the greatest economic crisis in the history of the State he was more interested in reducing the drink driving limit and put further pressure on the rural publicans of Meath. As somebody who has actively supported Mr Dempsey in the past, I would call on all members of the party who support the noble republican traditions of Fianna Fail to disassociate themselves from this abuse of power. Yours, Niall O'Donoghue, Rathbeggan, Dunboyne.