60 allotments to be made available in Kells

Up to 60 allotments are expected to be made available to Kells residents this spring as arrangements are being made to locate the new facilities at Loyd. A three-acre tract of land on the Oldcastle Road is expected to be developed into up to 60 allotments and there has already been considerable local interest in the plots, according to John Callaghan of the Kells Allotments Steering Committee. The committee has proposed the creation of 30 250 square metre plots as well as 30 125sq metre allotments. It is expected that the annual licence fee will be €70 for the larger sites and €40 for the smaller facilities. John Callaghan pointed out that the allotments could provide a lot of home-grown food for local families in these tough economic times and would provide an interest or hobby for people who now have more time on their hands. 'The allotments would also provide a social outlet for local people and would allow people to get to know each other and make new friends,' he said. There are 300 acres at Loyd owned by Kells Town Council and the lands there were used for commonage and allotments in the past but haven"t been used for those purposes since the early 1970s. The estimated cost of developing the allotments is around €10,000, €8,000 of which would be for the provision of a water supply to the site and the remainder would be for fencing and paths. Local farmers have offered to plough the land for free initially and the allotments are expected to be ready by March, with the numbers to take them up expected to be known later this month. Cllr Tommy Grimes raised the issue of providing allotments in Kells at a local town council meeting last year and the Kells Allotment Steering Committee, which is chaired by Andy Bogie, was set up. The allotments are proposed to be located to the west of the access road at the Tower of Loyd, off the Oldcastle Road. 'The availability of access to the public road, access to car parking, and availability of a water supply were the factors influencing the choice of the site,' Mr Callaghan said. Anyone who is interested in taking an allotment should call or text (086) 873 1707 or email joncallaghan@gmail.com