Tara GFC celebrating 75 years in London

Dear sir - I am writing to your paper to invite any past members from your county who were involved with the Tara Gaelic Football Club (London) to our 75th anniversary celebrations. The Tara 75th Anniversary Dinner and Dance will take place on Saturday 1st November at the Crown Moran Hotel, Cricklewood. Tickets cost £60 and the night is black tie only. Introductions will begin at 6.30pm and there will be music until late. Guests on the night will include Joe McDonagh, Nicky Brennan and former player Jason Ryan. The night will be a fitting celebration of 75 years of existence featuring a slideshow charting the history of the club as a pre-curser to the history book to be released in the next 12 months. We hope to see as many old faces as possible and efforts are being made to have a selection of past players play the current team. Ticket numbers are limited so for further information on the night and booking enquires please contact Andy Redican by email andyredican@hotmail.co.uk or by telephone Pronsias Redican on (0208) 452 9262. Those attending the event can book a double room in the Crown Moran Hotel for the GAA rate of £99 per night. The address of the hotel is 142-152 Cricklewood Broadway, London, United Kingdom, NW2 3ED, telephone (0208) 452 4175. Anyone looking to play Gaelic football in London or with any other queries relating to the club can email the club info@taragfc.co.uk, check out the website www.taragfc.co.uk, or ring one of the following Sean Faughran (078 5030 7058) or Andy Redican (078 0093 0388). Yours, Aiden Slane, London.