Beaufort Bord Bia winners visit chef Neven Maguire

A GROUP of students from Beaufort College who won the Bord Bia Agri-Aware 'Our Food - Your Way" healthy eating competition recently visited Neven Maguire"s MacNean House and Restaurant. This all-Ireland competition attracted more than 500 teams and the Beaufort students" success represented an outstanding achievement. The competition aims to promote the importance of sourcing local Irish food produce and healthy eating. Part of the prize was a two-day visit to Neven Maguire"s renowned MacNean House and Restaurant in Blacklion, Co Cavan, which has just been announced as Ireland"s Restaurant of the Year for 2008. Neven, who is one of Ireland"s leading chefs, was a judge in the competition. A key element of his success is the use of the highest quality local produce in his restaurant. The trip to Blacklion was both educational and a culinary delight for the students involved. On arrival, the students were treated to an 'outstanding meal' prepared by Neven and his team. After an overnight stay in the environs of MacNean House, the students started their day with a full Irish breakfast prepared from local produce. They then spent the day with Neven, cooking in the College of Catering in Enniskillen, where learning from the master chef was a highlight of the trip. The day was rounded off by a five-course feast prepared again by Neven and his team. The students also experienced Neven"s emphasis on locally produced products by visiting a local herb garden developed and run by Rod Alston and a duck farm owned by Ken Moffitt. The trip was rounded off by a trip to the Marble Arch Caves in Fermanagh. The students said it was a truly memorable, well deserved and exciting trip, adding the tremendous hospitality, enthusiasm and engagement of Neven was a major contributor to the success of the trip.