Athboy Tidy Towns look to build on successes of 2008

Athboy Tidy Towns faced many challenges in 2008, particularly the damage and disruption caused by the essential sewerage works, the group"s annual meeting heard last week. Outgoing chairperson Mary Flood said that the destruction of the wildlife garden, while numerous birds were nesting and weeks before it was necessary, was very upsetting. 'The approach roads and hedges suffered much damage too, and it is important that the legacy of pipes, boulders and debris is removed by the contractors or council before we undertake our next major project,' Ms Flood said. She added that Athboy"s efforts in the Litter League went unrewarded and the poor response from many businesses to their appeal for practical help was disheartening. 'The marking system remains a mystery and, apart from some fresh air and exercise, the only advantage from entering was the supply of litter-pickers.' However, it was not all negative in 2008, one of the most successful years for the group to date. They picked up an environmental award in the St Patrick"s Day Parade, and, by mid-July, thanks to funding from a greyhound race night, completed the enhancement of the Cloran Road cemetery wall, costing €36,000. Only a small debt at the credit union remains to be repaid. Cllr Liz McCormack sponsored the exterior shrub and flower planting and the county council upgraded the footpath. Despite the sewerage works, Athboy was persuaded to enter the national Tidy Towns competition and increased marks by five from 2007, placed third overall in the county, and winning again the Baile Beag Award. Ms Flood congratulated the No Name Club on the best youth club award in Pride of Place and for their work in rescuing a derelict house and garden, as well as Meadowlands, Highfield and Collie Dios estates, which also received awards, and Athboy Childcare Centre. Athboy came first in the population category. The group has made submissions to the Local Area Plan of the council, the Heritage Council and the CCTV scheme. Ms Flood announced that the 2009 Tidy Towns person of the year was Cllr Liz McCormack. Officers elected for 2009 were: chairperson, Nuala McGovern, vice-chair, Carmel Evans; secretary, Tony Potterton; treasurers, Mary Holland and Jackie Leavy; school liaison, Mary Flood; PRO, Liz McCormack. The next meeting is on Wednesday, 28th January to discuss the 2009 greyhound race night.