Construction work on new Trim pool complex drawing to a close

Construction work on Trim"s new €14m swimming pool and leisure complex is due for completion at the end of this month and the development is on target to open to the public in spring 2009. Building contractors P Elliott won the contract for the state-of-the-art complex. Once construction is completed, the internal fit-out of the building will be undertaken by the contractors and the final fit-out of the premises will be carried out by the operators of the pool, who are expected to be formally appointed in the coming weeks. Expressions of interest recently were invited from potential operators of the complex and it is understood that two companies expressed an interest. An offer letter has been issued to one of the companies and the licence is currently being finalised and the terms agreed. The Trim Sports and Leisure Centre development includes a 25m swimming pool, two children"s pools, sauna and steam room, a gym, sports hall, dressing rooms and toilets as well as two all-weather pitches and car and bus parking. A bowling green is to be provided in the second phase. The sports hall is almost finished and the pool is currently being tiled. The all-weather pitches have been constructed and are due to be laid down and fitted out. The plant also has to be commissioned. When the new leisure complex opens, the site on which Trim"s existing swimming pool sits will be put on the market. The sale of the existing site is part of the overall funding package put in place for the new leisure complex. Grant aid of €6m is being provided by the Department of Environment & Local Government and the Department of Tourism and Sport. The remaining €8m will be provided by Meath County Council through the sale of the existing pool site, amenity levies and reclaimed VAT on building costs.