Killian pushes for Ratoath business centre

A new Ratoath Enterprise Centre is on the cards following a donation of land from a local landowner. Cllr Nick Killian is pushing for the development of a small enterprise centre, similar to the one in Kells, on lands near Jamestown. He is hoping to hold a meeting before Christmas of people interested in the development of the centre or in setting up small business there. He explained that the centre will be developed in conjunction with the Meath County Enterprise Board and would give people an opportunity, in these difficult times, to set up their own small businesses. 'There would be low rent and a central reception area, so there wouldn"t be a need to hire reception staff at first,' Cllr Killian explained. He said that, as the businesses would grow, they would eventually set up in their own bigger premises. The FF councillor said he hoped the enterprise centre would be the catalyst for small businesses to be set up by locals who would like to work and live in Ratoath. The centre would be based on a similar site in Kells where 12 new businesses have started over the past year and which has created over 400 local jobs. He said he hoped that between 150 and 200 jobs could be created locally and the centre would allow local entrepreneurs to start up in an environment of support and innovation. Cllr Killian said he hoped the project would get the full support of Ratoath Chamber of Commerce, the Minister for the Environment and the Tánaiste. Any local residents who are interested in getting involved should contact Cllr Killian on or by logging onto his website,